Manage variable folders

Hello !!

In the “Data” tabs, under “Variables”, how can I :

  • rename a folder
  • move a folder into another folder

Thank you !!

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Hi @vwasteels did you find a solution? otherwise share a screenshot or record and I might be able to help :slight_smile:


No I did not find out to do it,

this is where I’d like to edit the folder names :

Just had a look at it. Not sure if its exactly what you are looking for, but when creating a new variable its possible to create a sub folder in a folder. I haven’t figured out hos to rename the folders…

The current folder situation is not the greatest UX indeed.

Is there a solution already to rename folders? According to this thread, it should be possible to simply double-click on it to change the name, but this does not seem to work (anymore?)

Wondering if there is any insight or progress on folder renaming. Seems like this is a UI oversight? Where do we make or upvote a feature request?