Logout another user

Hi everyone!

First of all, not sure if this is possible but is there a way we can “logout” another user to our web app? The idea is to remove the user’s access to the platform.

Any idea or feedback is highly appreciated. :smiley:

Remove the account, remove the access. Otherwise with Supabase, you can add a ban system, and check it in real time I think.

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Thanks for this. I forgot to add that I’m currently using Xano as backend and auth method

Yes, you need to remove them from the user table in Xano or else introduce some step at the top of your API queries that check on the status of the user. Since weweb checks the authentication status by running auth/me, you could start by introducing code there that would let you identify a persona as non grata. This is all for instant reaction.

In the fullness of time (by default 24 hours) you should expect your Xano token to age out. If you’ve marked them as deleted (or removed the record) they won’t be able to log in again or redeem for a new token when their current one expires.