Issue with Binding Data Objects to Pin Markers on Mapbox Map

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on a project using Mapbox where I’ve successfully targeted a specific area on the map, and now I’m trying to enhance it by adding pin markers. The goal is to bind data objects to these pins to display relevant information when they are interacted with.

However, I’ve hit a roadblock.

Despite targeting the area successfully, when I attempt to bind my data object to the pin markers, I end up with an empty data structure. It’s puzzling because I can’t pinpoint what the structure of this data object should even look like to troubleshoot effectively.

It seems like the binding process is not recognizing my data as expected.

Has anyone faced a similar issue where the data object appears empty upon trying to bind it to pin markers on Mapbox?

If so, how did you resolve this problem?

I’m looking for any suggestions or recommendations on how to properly structure my data object or any insights into what I might be missing or doing incorrectly.

Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions!



Demo Pin Marker Binding

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Anyone able to debunk this thread please ? :sweat_smile:


Solve by putting my object into an array using the native weweb function createArray()

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