Insert data into Supabase and display the data in a data grid

Hello everyone…

I have a screen for registering employees, on this screen, I have the option to register a new user and a data grid where these users are listed.

I have a button on the screen where it directs to a form to register a new user within the system using supabase as backend, there I have the table with the name “employees” the data to be filled in this form must be registered in this table. … but I’m having difficulty making these arrangements for the inclusion of users registered on this form…

Can anybody help me ?


Hi @GSr :wave:

I don’t follow. What do you mean?

Hi @Joyce

Okay, my difficulty is sending the data filled in on the registration screen to my backend… I already have the table created in supabase but I’m having difficulty connecting these fields to send the data to the backend.