In Mapbox, flyTo a position

Hello you,

I’m looking to center a map on a specific zoom value after clicking a button.

Following this documentation, I did the following :

But when I click, nothing happen. I see the logs :

Executing custom Javascript

Succeeded 🎉

I also try to bind the zoom value to a variable updated at the click. But it looks like the map is not impacted and keep its current zoom value.

What am I doing wrong ?

  • is the mapbox instance not setup for this usage?
  • why can I bind the zoom level to make it dynamic?

Hope someone have some hints for me.

I think we have a regression on this feature, please open a bug ticket on so you will be notified when its fixed :slight_smile:

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Some news on the subject, he managed to carry out the operation. I have the same problem and I need a solution.

I opened a ticket.
Since last week, its status is : “Under Development”.

I hope it will be available very soon :slight_smile:

Thank you,
I hope too!

It should be handled this week, sorry for the delay

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Excellent, thank you very much

It’s fixed and it works like a charm! Thank you @AlexisLopez !!!
You are the best at WeWeb