Implementing filter in code

Hi there,

I have a set of filters (including drop downs, date fields, sliders, etc) that I want to apply to multiple elements (charts, a map, a datagrid, etc).

How can I implement the filter in code, so I can easily apply it to the elements I want to fillter. (I.e. how can I avoid manually adding a dozen filters to each element I want to filter?)

Final note: it’s a lot of data and important to the UX that the controls update fast, so I want to filter on the front-end.

Many thanks!

I’d say create a formula, if the filter is always the same and just use that. I think that’s a similar logic to how the frontend filters work

Thanks, Broberto.

Will I have to drop into Javascript? I don’t see a formula that allows filtering of an array based on multiple criteria.

I could nest the formulas but there are several criteria and I suspect it would be slow.

I’m afraid that’s the case. You can use copilot though :slight_smile: