I'm having authentication problems

So i followed the guide on xano that shows you how to display current user data, but I always get error 401. I’m trying to get the user logged in as themselves but I can currently only seem to show the user whose ID is selected from the collections. The signed in user doesnt show up.

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Hello! Thanks for your question.
Would you be able to provide a short video or screenshot of the error you’re receiving?
And to verify, have you tried this with test credentials and you’re receiving an error logging in a authenticated user in your application?

Thank you so much!

Thats the problem. I can log in with the user, but I have to first select the user on weweb’s side in the collection to get it to show the user’s information. Whenever I try to add the collection like you’re told to from the tutorial on Xano for fetching user info, I keep getting error 401 when I do Auth id. When I don’t, I get error 403 on weweb’s side.

Hi @dukemon :wave:

You are trying to fetch data (create a collection) from a Xano endpoint that is protected.

If you try fetching the data without being logged in, you will get a 401 error.

If you try fetching the data with a user who is logged in but doesn’t have the right to access the data, you will get a 403 error.

This visual from Sitechecker may be helpful to better understand:

In your example, it looks like you might be trying to fetch data from an organization (let’s say org A). Assuming you have a pre-condition in Xano that only allows users from org A to fetch data from org 1:

  • If you try fetching the data without a user being logged in to your WeWeb app, you will get a 401 error.
  • If you try fetching the data from org B when a user from org A is logged in, you will get a 403 error.

Does that help?

Thank you. But now I’m getting null values from the authenticated user when trying to bind the image to the xano auth user.