Hello. I’d like to know how to use the “Track Scroll Position” within “Advanced Interactions”? Where is this event displayed so I can use it in a workflow, or to bind it somehow?
I’m setting up a horizontal section with lot of items. As the user scrolls to the right I’d like to be able to trigger some JS (or a workflow) when the scroll position has reached a certain point.
When your element has an id and the “Watch scroll position” is on, you will see an object with all your element properties on the explorer. These values are reactive, so you can use them inside binding
Unfortunately, after giving my element an id (I tried multiple kinds of elements), and selecting “Watch scroll position”, the “Components Positions” does not show in the explorer?
Hi @Joyce . Yes! I was able to implement it via pagination in the backend, but I look forward to watching how you did it in case there are some improvements I could make.
Hi @Joyce@aurelie,
I’m trying this feature but it doesn’t seem to work here. The object remains empty for some elements. These are repeated components but they do have an unique ID. Do you know why this doesn’t work? thanks
We has a bug when a section and an element share the same id. The fix has been published, did it resolve the problem or do you still have issue with this?
I actually was able to fix it a week ago. The issue was when i used a symbol in the ID. If there were symbols or punctuation, it didn’t work, but it worked with out it.
@Joyce thanks for the video. I followed your instruction and created a slider, where I activated “Watch Scroll Position” on each Flexbox in the slider. However, it seems like the scrolling values will get lost after opening the preview mode. Is that on purpose or a bug?
My goal is to check the horizontal position of each element to display / hide an additional label.
I activated the scroll watching and named the ID of each element uniquely (slide1, slide2, etc.)
I could grab this information via formula
When I go to preview-mode, the position values will disappear (= remain undefined). In order to get the values again, I have to deactivate/reactivate the watch on scroll feature or changed the IDs name.
However, this scenario repeats all the time, so not possible to work with these values.