How to use plugins that require registration (ChartJs)

Hi Folks -

Some chart.js plugins require registration prior to use - the one that I care about right now, Datalabels, requires this (more details in the registration section of this doc: Getting Started | chartjs-plugin-datalabels)

How would I do that in weweb? Currently, I use advanced mode for my charts but there’s no place to put a ‘plugins’ object outside of the datasets, labels or options objects.

Thanks in advance!

You need to import this, via custom code. Try looking via the Search, there is countless threads about this.

Hey, I definitely searched the community before making my own post, and only posted because I could not find the answer I was looking for. If you could give a link to a post that you think would answer my question that would be helpful! Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Hey, no worries.
Check this video out @raydeck is using his StateChange tool to embed some scripts, which is similar to what you might need for your plugins. I’m not sure if embedding them will help tho, as I’m not sure how much you can use them in the current ChartJS plugin, but if that’s the only thing you need, this is how you can achieve embedding them into WeWeb:

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I’ll take a look, thank you for your help!