How to use @page css on a weweb page

Hi there,

I am fiddling around with a PDF generator API that renders a PDF from a HTML Page. I am able to split my content into two pages, and render the PDF. But margins and margin content like page numbers are not working. To test I added the following to the custom code head section of my page:

    @page {
        size: A4;
        margin: 25mm;

        @bottom-left {
            content: "My title";

        @bottom-right-corner {
            content: counter(page) " of " counter(pages);

But this is not working. Any thoughts on this?

I have some additional info. I am also using pagedjs. And I added the following to my custom code head section.

<script src=""></script>

But it seems something is off, because properties added in @page seems not working.

Hi, you’re trying in the editor or in the published web app ? Custom header are not executed in the editor

Published app. Staging environment.

Do you see the css on the page or not (when inspecting the HTML with Chrome devtools)? Trying to know if this is a header load problem or a css load problem.
Is the script loading correctly?

I will check. Thanks.


did you managed it using the @page rules in your project? I’am very interested in it. Thanks :wink: