How to trigger a workflow (tooltip) only in the element you are hovering

Hi I have an icon (“:information_source:”) in a page that, on hover, shows a tooltip with a workflow. Everything works well

If I duplicate that icon (:information_source:) in the page, now, when hover one icon (“:information_source:”) activates the tooltip also in the other duplicated (“:information_source:,:information_source:”) icon.

Is there a way for a workflow to be trigger only for the element you are hovering avoiding to create a new variable for each duplicate?

Many thanks for your help

Have you tried nocode components? You can build reusable elements with internal variables and logic, and you can communicate with the parent element by triggering events (I made atutorial about this here)

Many thanks @dorilama as usual. I will give a try with components then. Thanks!

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