How to set Psuedo css on element in Weweb

Hi guys, Im facing 1 problem about css

with the element, I dont know how to set the psuedo CSS for the element, just have init as disable, hover, blur, …

Example: input::-webkit-slider-thumb

So how can I set it for the element of weweb?
Thank you

Hi @eric

We have states, so you can manage hover by adding this state and active link, if Link to is enabled. You can also create your own custom states that will be activated when the condition is true. For specific pseudo-elements or classes, you need custom CSS or adding an HTML element. You can give a class name to the HTML element and target that class name in css.

Hi @danlopes
Thank for you reply
I know weweb has own state
but except several state initial like hover, focus,…
others special state like
I dont know how to set it as condition true/false in state

Those pseudo-elements/classes only available with workarounds like custom code or putting it in html element. We don’t have states for them yet.

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