How to ease in a background color

Hi there,

my header should be transparent until the user scrolls down to 100. Then it should ease in to change color.

I have create a state which chances the background color after context.screen?.[‘scroll’]?.[‘y’]>100. This works fine. But how do I get to ease in the background color?

I have tried with the transition parameter but nothing changed. Please advise.

Thank you and best regards,


Can you show more of what you’ve tried and what result you are getting? A video can show a lot in just a few minutes.

Thanks for picking this up, raydeck,

you can check out the current page behavior by scrolling down at

Here is the definition of the state ‘scrolled’

And here are the parameter for the transition. I have tried ‘all’ for the property as well. So difference :frowning:

Hope this helps, otherwise pleas elet me know what you need.

Thank you and best regards,


Looking under the covers via devtools, the transition is set on the child div while the parent is changing. I made a short video illustrating the phenomenon:

Thanks, raydeck,

your video made me realise and fix the issue. Now I change the background of the first container in the section and not the section itself :slight_smile:

Thank you and best regards,


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Wonderful! Love the hard puzzles. We tackle questions like this every day in State Change office hours. The low-code aspects of weweb come up often, and we make progress together!

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