How to customize the cross from the search input?

Hi all,

The question is straigthforward : How can I customize the cross from the search input? I see no way of doing so from the editor options.

Thanks in advance,

Hi @WilliamB :wave:

Can you clarify which search input you’re referring to?

If you’re using the searchable multi-select input, then you should be able to update the icon here:

Hi @Joyce, sorry for replying so late. I was talking about this input type (“search”) :
Capture d’écran 2024-06-24 à 02.36.42
Capture d’écran 2024-06-24 à 02.36.53

As you can see there is a blue cross, but I cannot see where I can style it.


I’d also like to know if this is possible.

Hey @WilliamB @Riisud :wave:
This cross icon is specific to the browser so there is not much to do… besides recreating a component to have the hand on everything

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