How to complex query (Supabase)? What is the best formant solution?

I have many tables, and I want to create a complex query, most commonly using join.

I want to select a person with ID XXXXXXX from persons and fetch information about that person from other tables, such as person_skills, person_education, person_YYYY, and Organization. For each organization, I want to fetch data from the tables organization_info, organization_social, and organization_yyyyy.

Can you please help me to find a performant way of doing this in weweb?

Hey @andrei :wave:

Have you looked at the Advanced mode available on the Supabase plugin parameters?
You can also select those elements directly in Supabase using views.

Views even though very useful, are not indexable, which might be an issue with big amounts of data. By the way, please, don’t spam the forum with posts that are basically the same thing.