I’m trying to send html of a page (with dynamic data) to a PDF-print service. I see many variables that I can send, but which variable contains the STANDALONE html of the page/section/div/whatever that I can send (STANDALONE, without the external PDF-print service having to refer back to Weweb) ?
Thank you very much, but somehow the selector (to query the id) changes the document into an inconsistent mess (too many things: layout, margins, font type). Do you recognize this might be an issue - and how to resolve this?
I can’t use the selector this way, but it would mean to me the difference between automation in the background vs. (now) having to open the print-section into a new tab to be able to use the wwLib.getFrontDocument().documentElement.outerHTML
Hopefully there is a fix for getting a true clean HTML print of a section?