Google Tag Manager Not Detecting Installation in My WeWeb App

Hi everyone,

I recently installed the Google Tag Manager plugin in my WeWeb app and added my Container ID, but GTM doesn’t seem to recognize that the tag is installed.

I’ve checked my setup multiple times, but when I use Tag Assistant or preview mode in GTM, it says that no GTM container is detected on my site.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? What could be causing it, and how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance! :rocket:

Hi, are you using any GTM-related scripts in conjunction with the plugin? Do you get an error message?

Hi, I have the same issue. My GTM works great on my other website but Tag assistant keep saying “No GTM container is detected” on my website :

The GTM works and is detected on the staging and the editor. Any idea ?

Hi, to complete my answer below: no I have no error message and no other google script is installed

Same config on staging :
Tag assistant detects the tag…

This is legit the prettiest app I ever seen :slight_smile:

Thank you so much! it’s launch day… and there was a lot of work to get there! :slight_smile:

BTW : idk why but the tag is now working on the live site. Since my last publish.