Google Map not centering on markers


The Google Map shows the markers from my Rest API, but it does not refresh it’s viewbox to show the markers.

I see it working like this on this video :

am I missing something ?

Thanks !!

Hi @vwasteels :wave:

What do you mean by “it does not refresh it’s viewbox to show the markers”?

Are you trying to refresh the markers that are displayed on the map based on a form submitted by the user for example? In that case, you might need to trigger a workflow that refetches your API collection (using the “Fetch collection” action) based on the user’s inputs.

Does that help?

If not, can you record a short video to show us the behavior you’re seeing and how things are setup in WeWeb?


Thanks for your answer,

The problem I had was that the map was not centered on the markers. But I figured to make it work now !


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