I havent changed anything since yesterday in terms of supabase tables or functions. Ive only changed visual aspects of my app yet when I went to do a final full walk through of my app I got stumped immediately with a signup error.
can anyone point me in the right direction?
I get this in supabase but I dont know how to fix it
{“component”:“api”,“error”:“failed to close prepared statement: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block (SQLSTATE 25P02): ERROR: record “new” has no field “user_role” (SQLSTATE 42703)”,“level”:“error”,“method”:“POST”,“msg”:“500: Database error saving new user”,“path”:“/signup”,“referer”:"https://editor.weweb/…
As we discussed in the Brocode Land Community, without further inspection this seems like a generic error where your trigger or some action fails when calling /signup
endpoint of Supabase.
I found a trigger I was no longer using somehow connected to the failing trigger, although I dont know why or how and I wasnt able to change anything so I ended up deleting all my functions and triggers and remaking them. whats odd was nothing changed from yesterday and it worked fine yesterday.
It was frustrating but this error taught me a lot today.
I dont think its the correct solution but I deleted dropped all functions and triggers with cascade and remade them. Luckily there were only 3
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