Generating a invite.ics (or whatever calendar) when clicking on a CTA

Hey everyone! First post here so tell me if it’s not compliant :raised_hands:

I’m creating a platform where ppl could browse and schedule “online co-working” sessions.
I would like to, when clicking on a ‘add to calendar’ CTA, generate an invite.ics file or at least just opening a google meet calendar to put the session info on the user’s calendar.

I’m quite lost and I can’t figure out how can I do this in Weweb.

My data come from database and I fetch event name, description, start-time, end-time etc…

Thank you so much for your help.
Thomas :sparkles:

Try one of these APIs, you can hit them with REST API plugin easily.

Thanks a lot for your answer!
I’m not completely sure about how I can do that as I’m a non-technical guy :face_with_monocle:

I have to add the REST API plugin then add a collection ?
How will it communicate w/ my supabase data to convert info into .ics ?

Thanks a lot for your time,

Yes, rest api and then try fetching it as a collection. That might work.

Hi, do you perhaps know of a GDPR compliant .ics generator?

You could try using npm and doing it yourself, that would, indeed be gdpr compliant and im sure there is packages for that