FR Performance optimization: Responsive images + preload

Weweb is not Webflow, but my application needs great SEO and performance.

It uses optimized images, but there is still room for improvement.

Currently, I load different images from the backend based on screen size.
Sadly, I can’t use the editor to choose different images on desktop/tablet/mobile screens because bound images stay the same across those screens (which is understandable).

Feature request: enable binding of different backend images in the editor and make use of <img srcset.../> in the generated HTML

So, I must create a formula to get the right image size (see below).
OK, it could be simpler, but it works.

To optimize page loading performance, I would need to prefetch the images, by inserting a <link rel="preload" as="image" imagesrcset="/image.webp 400w", image.webp 700w" fetchpriority="high" > directive in the header.

Unfortunately, I can’t do that since I can’t bind collection images in the custom code of the header.

Feature Request: Add the option to preload images in the editor and render appropriate html in the header.

What do you think?