Feature Request: Buildship Plugin

Please :face_holding_back_tears:

With the condition that through the gateway of Buildhip we can reach the many places it makes available SAFELY.

Otherwise: Request withdrawn don’t waste your time :slight_smile:

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You can call Buildship via REST API, I really think you should learn a little bit about how web works, it would save you many worries.

Yes but wouldn’t the credentials be exposed?
What am I missing again

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I think you miss knowledge about how this works, you might wanna read about how the whole thing works, e.g search for keywords like API, backend, frontend, client-side, server-side etc. Now it seems to me, like you’re going around the forum, hoping for answers we can’t give you, because it will just stem more questions due to your lack of knowledge. What I would do if I were you, would be read a lot about this, or watch many tutorials, simply, educate yourself about how the web works.


@Broberto Thank you very much for your help, much appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi @loukas :wave:

Sound advice from Broberto. It’s really great that you’re asking yourself these questions because it’s the first step to building web-apps in a secure and scalable way.

Whether you use WeWeb & BuildShip or other no-code tools, taking the time to learn about web development concepts and best practices is super important if you want to build apps in a professional way.

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts for this! Like Broberto said, you’ll need to watch a lot of tutorials and read a lot of articles and ask a lot of questions. Even doing all those things, it’s the same for everyone: you will learn the most by trial and error while building!

This is because your questions will get more and more specific as you build and face new situations and, because your questions will be more specific, people will be able to give you more specific answers and help you find solutions to the development problems you encounter.

To get you started, here are a couple of resources related to security and APIs that you might find helpful:

I hope that helps! Good luck with your projects!