Facebook Social Login Plugin (Weweb + Supabase)

In the native Weweb authentication plugin with Supabase there is the social login option (It works perfectly), however I need to save the return in a local variable or in the database to use in future actions. Example: I need to get the User UID from the User Authentication table and link it as a foreign key in my Users table in Schema Public.

When I log in via Facebook through the Weweb editor, it redirects me to the social login authentication popup and after completing the permission steps I am redirected to the real page of the application, which works as expected, but to do All actions must be in the Weweb editor and not in the real application.

Weweb even creates a local variable, but it is only accessible in the browser debug and the editor does not appear.

Could anyone help me with this issue?

Hi @pensemoderno :wave:

Can you share a screenshot of the variable you’re referring to? Is it the user variable by any chance?

If it is, you should be able to access it here:

Hello, @Joyce

I’m building a SaaS to receive metrics from Meta Ads and I need to perform social login and then make some API calls to Meta. But for this I need to save the authenticated user’s information and the main one is provider_token, however using the native Supabase social login plugin through the Weweb editor I cannot obtain the authenticated user’s return via social login.

When I open the application published on Google Chrome and press F12 to debug and go to applications, local storage https://app.qgdogestor.com.br/ I find the authenticated user’s data in the variable created automatically by Weweb 4365b02a-f30c-4d74- 8c75-d65bea226b4e and there you will find the authenticated user data.

I created an App Workflows action to run On page load (before fetching collections) that takes information from the authenticated user, however Weweb does not save all the information in this variable with, for example, provider_token, expires_at.

Video link outside the Web editor:

Video link within the Weweb editor:

I need to retrieve the authenticated user’s provider_token and I don’t know how to access a variable created automatically by Weweb, how can I retrieve information from this variable?