Dynamic multipage menu links - Best practice


Wondering if there is any better, more intuitive way of using a dynamic variable to populate my side bar menu items and their respective links.

So far I see 2 ways of doing it :

1- Use OnClick to get the path and NavigateTo(path)

2- Search through the IDs of my pages and use this in the path binding link of my items (which is kinda of a pain to do)

Any advice or recommendation ?


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Another great question! Let me check with the team and see how we can assist you. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for your reply.

So far I’ve been using an array variable that is being populated depending on the authenticated_user_role
[{“ItemTitle”, “ItemIcon”, “ItemLink”}, …].

It works fine, but I’m not sure if it’s the best way to do it. Will wait your feedback. Thanks :wink:

I’m also curious on this. Did you get an answer @oblic?

My set up might be slightly different. I have static navigation buttons that act more like a category dropdown and when clicked a drawer opens and within the drawer I want the content (which are the page links) to be dynamically shown based on the navigation button that was clicked on.

I initially set it up my array of objects for the drawer links in a similar way to you, but I’d like a better way to handle the content, even prebuilt element drawer element that could handle this functionality. I’m especially looking for a way to easily update the urls as well as handle dynamic url parameters.