I made the Cloudflare setup as per the tutorial, the worker seems to work (I see the requests made to it), but the dynamic metadata don’t appear on my page.
I’m using Baserow, the object contains the 4 elements required (among the other elements of the object), but the metadata are still the default ones of the website, or the default ones of the template page, instead of the ones through the Cloudflare Worker.
As discussed yesterday with @flo in the Office Hours, I’ve tried to access the Worker logs to see where is the issue (Weweb, or Baserow API call, or…), following their tutorial.
I added the configuration Cloudflare indicates in the wrangler.toml file of my Github repo, but nothing changed (still can’t see the logs).
I deployed the worker again, but nothing changed (still can’t see the logs).
It’s been almost a month now, and still not a single follow up on this quite critical issue, whether in my ticket or here.
Any chance for it to be solved, or should I capitulate?
@pinshasa yeah there have been quite a few Cloudflare-related issues posted in the forum over the past couple months.
The most recent WeWeb update was about two weeks ago, stating that it would take a bit of time for them to come up with a solution but it’s being actively worked on.
hey @Jay12
I have a similar problem here, but i found that when i access the page without “www.”
the dynamic metatag will work
the worker only works on a custom domain without www.
can you try in your side and see if your worker also works without “www.” ?
I tried to redirect all www. to no www. but i will get a infinite redirect… i think it is some settings between weweb / cloudflare, @danlopes any idea?
Updates here:
I’ve been working around with Cloudflare settings and unable to access website without www. now…
the cloudflare worker can’t work in www. because we need to assign www. to weweb cname.
there are some solution by ChatGPT something like move www. behind cloudflare, not sure if it is possible for weweb.