Download WeWeb translation file and upload again?


simple and quick question.

Is it somehow possible to download the translation files for translating e.g. in PO or POT format (can actually be any formated format), would be very helpful instead of checking each page and each component etc.

Or to see all possible translations for each.

I think you just choose a wrong approach to build your app to begin with. This can simply be done via an intermediary formula that parses a JSON with all of your various translations :slight_smile: But yes, it would be great if we could do this natively in the Editor without workarounds.


i do it at the moment half-half-“half”
Like in WeWeb, DB & WeWeb Formula (if)

Makes you kinda confused if you have ~6 languages.
But to have everything in one place is better, so you can just send the files to native speaker and they translate it.

Or give access to the translator, something like that.