Don't want workflow to fire when I click on a button within the container... how?

When I click on the task itself, a modal pops up to help the user complete the task with more details. (I have a workflow for that)

However, I don’t want this workflow to execute when I am clicking on the checkbox as user would just want to change the status and not want more details.

But when I try to click on the checkbox, the modal pops up. I don’t want the modal to pop up when I click on the checkbox, only when I click anywhere else on the task.

How do I make this happen and prevent the workflow from firing?

Use the Stop click propagation at the beginning of your checkbox Workflow

Hello, I am coming back to this topic because I have the same problem but with a dropdown element, the problem is the dropdown trigger is natively managed and I can’t add a stop propagation, if I do so the dropdown doesn’t open with the trigger, how can I fix that please ?

You can add stop propagation to the items inside

My question is how, sorry if it’s evident for you but I can’t find the answer