Does WeWeb's editor expire the authentication token after a long period of inactivity?

Does WeWeb’s editor expire the authentication token after a long period of inactivity? If yes, will if effect the the new deployment because this thing was not there before the weweb 3.0 update.

@aurelie @Joyce please help, i have also created a ticket but haven’t received anything from that.

Hi @kavi :waving_hand:

Not sure I understand the question. If you haven’t logged into your WeWeb editor for a long time, you might need to re-authenticate yes. This has been the case for as long as I remember. It doesn’t affect how you deploy apps.

Was that your concern?

Hi @Joyce
Thankyou for the reply.
My Problem: In my Weweb project, my JWT Token should be valid for 7 days, but when I open Weweb editor after 10-12 hours, the ww-auth-access token is getting cleared from the cache automatically, and I am logged out from my Project.

Ok. Still not sure I get it unfortunately. Are you using the token-based auth plugin to handle the authentication of your app?

The ww-auth-access-token you are mentioning is related to the authentication system for our users to log into WeWeb. The fact that it is getting cleared should not have anything to do with the JWT token you use to authenticate users of your app so I’m not sure what’s going on.

Could you send me a private message with the link to the support ticket you created?