Difference in page name in deployed version

I have two problems that are occuring after deploying my weweb app:-

i) I have a page named “companies” in editor but after deploying it is showing as “/companiespractice” in url.
ii) I have a company page where i am showing the data of company (stored in a variable=>preserved on navigation is true).In Editor mode, if i’m clicking button on the Company page it is loading good but on deployed version when i click a button then instantly it hides all the data on Company page and only design remains on the page while the next page in still not loaded. Which looks very odd.
I want the if i click on any button, all the company data remains there since the next page is loaded.

Check the settings of your page, the path is probably defined as /companiespractice (its not based on the page name)

For the second issue, well its hard to debug without any access to the app, are you sure you’re binding data from this variable ? Maybe open a ticket on support.weweb.io with a short video and steps to reproduce (and credentials if required) so we can give a look more easily

Thankyou Alexis for your response,

Problem i) Solved
Problem ii) When i am navigation to same dynamic page( Ex:-company 1 to company 2). But in other cases,it’s showing the current page only with static data (before the next page loads).

loom link of problem

here you can see, on clicking “Electric Equipment” it firsly unloads all dynamic data and then after changes the page.

Could you show me how the binding is done into one of the disappearing information and how the related variables works please ?

If its bound to a variable with preserve on navigation I dont understand why it would be cleared, it may be a bug :thinking:

Before loading the page i am fetching the data and storing in a variable named CompanyData(preserve on navigation is ON) and then binding the data from the CompanyData variable.
You can see it in this loom video

Hello @Alexis, any update? , i’m sill trying to solve the problem but can’t find any solution.

If you open a bug ticket I will try to give dig into your issue a little bit more, it could be either a bug or a limitation I’m not aware

I raised bug ticket, and also added their credentials to check but haven’t get any update from last two days.