Hi guys,
do you know how I could replicate this please? I would like the buttons on my side menu to have a small popup button description during the collapsed state?
Hi guys,
do you know how I could replicate this please? I would like the buttons on my side menu to have a small popup button description during the collapsed state?
Use the Dropdown element and place the button inside the Trigger slot, and the tooltip inside the Dropdown slot
Hi @luka
The element seems to be hidden behind my content container? any solutions?
Read about z-index here
It’s generally a good advice to spend some time learning the basics of html/css/js when working with WeWeb, even thought it is a no-code tool. Understanding the basics makes it much easier to work with, and you will reach further faster and better.
Heres a start
It’s either going to be a z-index problem or overflow hidden if you have it on any of the parent elements
Thanks guys, i’ll have a play around and read through the documents
Hi Luka,
I managed to get sorted, thank you!
My only question is can I stylise the div in this fashion as per my original screenshot?
@luka i’ve found a guide which suggests you can do this by placing a duplicate div under the first and then modifying it to make it a triangle shape?
I can’t seem to figure this out though.
Do you have any experience with custom CSS? If so this example would help you easily make the triangle
I don’t sadly, I can for sure learn though and work through it!
This is how you do it with a div inside your div
note: this is positioned on the bottom so you need to change the values to adjust
thank you Luka, i’ll have a play around!