Days In Month Date Plugin

Do you know how can I get the total days in a month or total days in current month using Date Plugin?
In Day.js website I found this but I don’t know how to apply it in WeWeb

Thank you for your help!

You can use some code

const numDays = (y, m) => new Date(y, m, 0).getDate();
console.log(numDays(2020, 2));
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Hi @nico :wave:

Great question! I’ll ask the team if we can add the daysInMonth formula in no-code.

In the meantime, @jaredgibb’s tip will work.

You could add it as a reusable formula in the Actions tab:

And then use it in different places in your project:

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Thank you! @Joyce & @jaredgibb you’re amazing! I’ll use this solution.
Include daysInMonth formula in no-code will be great!

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@Joyce @jaredgibb
Works Perfect!
Now I can add the last date of current month as Due Date to my Xano Quote/Estimation table.

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