Datagrid checkbox not changing visually

Hi there!

I was using a datagrid, it worked well except the checkbox field type, it is not changing visually the check/uncheck status even with the initial database value, internally when clicking it is changing the value to true / false and passed to the database if saved, but visually it is just a static white box. I managed to change the background color with a custom state based on the initial database value, but any click on edit mode doesn’t change the state as this is looking to the collection values.

Any solution to this?

Patrick Carpio

Hi @plucky00 :wave:

I’m trying but failing to reproduce your use case. Could you record a short video walking us through this?

Hi Joyce

Hope this video makes it clear, seems that the Datagrid Checkbox is working internally, but visually it never changes to checked/unckecked not sure if it is a formatting issue, I have tried in differente pages with the same result.

Mmm this seems like a bug. Could you report it here please? The team will look into it asap.