Custom components deployment failing

All custom components that were previously deploying successfully are all failing after the new system deploy.

Hello @Charles,

Could you please create a ticket bug with the detail: WeWeb - Support

We will take a look

It should be fixed, you can test again

I am also facing the same issue.

Custom component which earlier had been succesfully imported inside my workspace and could be built succesfully, Now have a build error even though no changes have been made to them.

Moreover, I am not able to even re-publish the project with same components earlier version. I even tried to publish without all custom components & was still getting the error in publishing as well.

From the error logs, I can see that It is trying to install dependencies from cache & it tries to installa dependency which I no more have in my custom component , even after I remove all components it gives the error.

I have created a Support Ticket regarding this.