CSV / JSON upload

I know this has been discussed a couple of times, and I read through and still couldn’t figure it out. I want to enable my customers to upload and manage their data that is then used within the WeWeb application. I’m a step before Authentication so that’s not the barrier.

The data comes in as CSV or JSON. Some of the headers still need to be mapped - e.g., “id”., “name” so that i have it in a pre-set naming convention. I have a table ready in Xano to receive the data as draft, and in it’s stable formed once the mapping is completed.

Effectively i want to following steps:

  1. User uploads a CSV/JSON to WeWeb (I know how to do it with an image, but not in a way that i can read the headers - optional: save draft in Xano)
  2. I read the headers into a WeWeb array
  3. Header mapping using the dropdowns in the picture, making sure the required fields are covered
  4. I take this info and place it in schema within a Xano table
  5. I read this table as one of my collections

Would love to get your help!


Hi @Ohad :wave:

Just to keep you posted: I haven’t forgotten about you but I’m still thinking about what the best approach would be :smile:

Let me ask the team for help on this one!

Is there an update on how to do this please @Joyce cc @Ohad

I have a very similar workflow and am not sure how to realise it in WeWeb.

Thank you

Bringing this topic back to the top, I’d also like to know any tips on how to setup a user upload of a csv in which they can self-map the columns to the correct fields in Xano.

Anyone build this yet?

Hey there :wave:

Sorry I didn’t see the updates on this topic sooner :grimacing: Thanks for taking the time to follow up!

It is indeed possible but we don’t have a tutorial for this. Love the use case though! We’ll work on a tutorial in the coming weeks :slight_smile:

Any update here yet?

Hi @Riisud, @Ohad, I’m not sure if this is the best solution, but you can read the uploaded CSV file using JavaScript through Base64 string decoding

Снимок экрана 2024-08-04 в 19.24.58

Workflow inside the File upload element (On change):

Custom JavaScript code:

const encodedStr = context.workflow['812583ea-7028-4fd2-b157-3731195b2f90'].result; // ENCODE result

function decodeBase64(encodedStr) {
    try {
        // Decode base64 to bytes
        const bytes = Uint8Array.from(atob(encodedStr), c => c.charCodeAt(0));

        // Check for BOM and remove it if present
        let finalString;
        if (bytes[0] === 0xEF && bytes[1] === 0xBB && bytes[2] === 0xBF) {
            finalString = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(bytes.slice(3));
        } else {
            finalString = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(bytes);

        // Split into lines and remove any carriage return characters
        const lines = finalString.trim().split(/\r?\n/);

        // Extract headers and normalize them
        const headers = lines[0].split(',').map(header => header.trim().toLowerCase());

        const requiredHeaders = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'phone'];
        const missingHeaders = requiredHeaders.filter(header => !headers.includes(header));
        if (missingHeaders.length > 0) {
            throw new Error(`Missing required headers: ${missingHeaders.join(', ')}`);
        // Process data lines
        const data = lines.slice(1).map(line => {
            const values = line.split(',').map(value => value.trim());
            const obj = {};
            headers.forEach((header, index) => {
                obj[header] = values[index];
            return obj;
        // Ensure all required fields have values
        data.forEach(item => {
            requiredHeaders.forEach(header => {
                if (!item[header]) {
                    throw new Error(`Missing value for ${header} in line: ${JSON.stringify(item)}`);

        // Map data to final structure
        const finalData = data.map(item => ({
            realtor_first_name: item.first_name,
            realtor_last_name: item.last_name,
            realtor_email_address: item.email,
            realtor_phone_number: item.phone

        return finalData;
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`${error.message}`);

return decodeBase64(encodedStr);


With these actions, you can retrieve records from a CSV file and use them