I know this has been discussed a couple of times, and I read through and still couldn’t figure it out. I want to enable my customers to upload and manage their data that is then used within the WeWeb application. I’m a step before Authentication so that’s not the barrier.
The data comes in as CSV or JSON. Some of the headers still need to be mapped - e.g., “id”., “name” so that i have it in a pre-set naming convention. I have a table ready in Xano to receive the data as draft, and in it’s stable formed once the mapping is completed.
Effectively i want to following steps:
User uploads a CSV/JSON to WeWeb (I know how to do it with an image, but not in a way that i can read the headers - optional: save draft in Xano)
I read the headers into a WeWeb array
Header mapping using the dropdowns in the picture, making sure the required fields are covered
I take this info and place it in schema within a Xano table
Bringing this topic back to the top, I’d also like to know any tips on how to setup a user upload of a csv in which they can self-map the columns to the correct fields in Xano.