Creating data grid with a select element in each row

Hi there,

I have a data grid with a list of users. For each user I want to display the user role as a select element (with a list of user roles which I have in my Xano database).

The column is set as a type ‘select’.

However in preview it doesn’t appear to be a select element…

I assume there’s something I’m missing here…
Any advice?

Thank you!

the select element is on readonly mode when the row is not edited.
This is what the readonly mode is looking for a select :slight_smile:
When you will edit the row, they will appear as a select

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Hi Aurelie,

I found a solution by using a simple table iso. a data grid. I styled the table exactly the same as the data grid, now I can change the dropdown value and automatically save the changes.

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Looks wonderful :heart_eyes: Well done!

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I had the same problem. Solution was in my case to set editable for the column to “on”. Then, I was able to access the dropdown when editing a row in preview mode.