Conditional Visibility and Opacity Transition

I have a tool tip that transitions (.3 seconds) from 0 opacity to 100 opacity when I hover over a button . This seems to be working when I test it on its own.

But I dont just want that tool tip to be loaded all the time. So I also want to conditionally hide it when the button is hovered. But when I also add this, the opacity transition seems to get overridden and the tool tip just pops in instantly.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Hi @BuildLikePeter :wave:

Would you mind recording a short video to walk us through what you built so we can look at the current settings and maybe figure out which one is creating the conflict?

Screenshots would help but I think the video would be even better if you can because it’ll help us see what’s happening on hover as well.

No need to share camera and sound if you don’t feel like it of course! A simple screen share should already help a lot if we can see the different steps you tested :slight_smile: