Components: Collection ID as parameter to fetch collection with given ID


Just saw the collection id type in the parameters of the new components. But how can we use it?
I need to fetch a collection in a workflow with the given collection id, but the action fetch collection can’t be bound to a dynamic variable/parameter.

Is there a way to fetch a collection with the collection id?

Tested some stiff with wwLib but didn’t find a solution… there is the wwLib.wwCollection.fetchCollection but how to use it?

Thanks a lot,


i am stupid =)

wwLib.wwCollection.fetchCollection(“collection_id”) worked.

But is it save to use for future changes?

Hi @erbteilung :wave:

Thanks for taking the time to share the solution!

I don’t know. Let me ask the tech team and get back to you on that one :slight_smile:

FYI, we plan on doing a big revamp of the developer documentation in 2024 so these things should be clearer in the future

its one of our public method, so it is safe.
We may during the revamp rename/move it, but this will be with progressive deprecation warning and guided migration :).

Thank you thats great!