Component dropzones + Advanced properties + Component instance - documentation release

Hello everyone!

We have released new articles on component dropzones, advanced properties, events, and the thisInstance object.

Observation: WeWeb components are hugely powerful, and we will try to document more features as soon as possible.

Feel free to leave your feedback :slight_smile:


Why can’t I find the fetch data to select the data in an instance?

which is created in properties
Its very crucial to close the instance to be easily deployed anywhere


Any idea about this @danlopes ?

Hi, @yma

I don’t understand your question.

I am trying to create a component but in the component, I can find collection id

so there are some actions that needs to fetch a collection that will be connected to this component to be used else where in the the project

so for example on change fetch the collection but the collection to choose is the data collection and I can’t choose a component collection as the previous shot

The goal is to have a table with pagination that controls the backend and the goal is to choose every time which data is affected in this case rather than everytime I go change all the collection affected withing the instance

Can you try adding this code in the table data/grid data to get the collection based on the ID?


To attach the data I have no issues sometimes I attach it to an array and from there I attach the collection to it

My only thing is to fetch dynamically by the collection id for example or to fetch a certain data that is attached to the settings of the component so I can use the component in different pages and different collection without everytime I change the settings

This will fetch the collection dynamically, you just need to pass the ID and each instance will have its own collection

Ok this will get collection but I need to fetch it on certain changes now how will I do this ?

ok am starting to love this

I think I got it we can now use the below to fetch it


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Wow I did not know we can do the trick with classes! And now I understand better the use of drop zone workflows… Thank you for the documentation!

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