Change page: What's the difference between page and path?

The only way I know how to utilize the change page action currently is to select a page I want from the dropdown. But I see there is an option to bind a page or path.

What am I supposed to bind under “page”, and what am I supposed to bind under “path”?

What’s the difference? What are acceptable / not acceptable values to be binded? Any examples?

For page you have to bind the page object from your explorer or the page id (also available on your data explorer, under every page object).

For path you have to bind the exact path you want for an existing page on your app. It depends of what you configured on your pages.

If you have a page home configured on the path /home, you can bind “/home”.

If you have a page profile configured on /profile/{{userId|}}, you can bind “/profile/1” for example.

If you have a static page configured on a slug from the linked data, you can bind “/an-existing-slug”.

Only the first example was working before the previous release, we improved the feature to support path with variable and static page. :slight_smile: