Change from "default" to "on-hover" to "selected" states in a DIV

Hello everyone, I am trying to give a Div (is a custom button since the weweb button can not be set to Flex) three states “default” to “on-hover” to “selected” following @Joyce tutorial States | WeWeb documentation. The problem is that I have to create a bunch of workflows and it is not working properly:

When mouse is out instead o maintain “selected” state this change to “default”
I don not know how to implement a second click to “unselect”

Maybe I am missing something. Can someone help me how to achieve this?. Thanks!

what exactly are you missing with the standard button?

Hi, thanks! I want a button with an icon on the top and text on the bottom. And since it doesn’t allow to set it to flex…

add this in an html element

<style>.my-btn{flex-direction: column;}</style>

add left icon and class to the button


Many, many thanks for your help @dorilama. I appreciate it a lot :raised_hands:t2:

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sorry @dorilama, do you know a way to add this code to general custom code instead so I can reuse it without the html tag?

you can add the cote globally to the app but in that way it will be applied only in the published app

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Got it. Many thanks again. Really appreciate it @dorilama