Can't get value of form inputs within the new modal

Hi, I can’t access the form input value (the one thats inside the new version of the modal).

I am trying to save the value on change when someone edits the form input - But I can’t access the form variables, could we fix this please :pray:

I saw in this post Cannot access a form input value inside a modal submit workflow - #3 by pkontopoulos that “it’s likely because your form is inside a repeated list. To keep track of form values in a repeated list, you need to create and object and partially update it”

But the problem now is that I need the value (whatever the user has written) of the form input in order to update the object but I can’t access this value…

The old version worked fine haha i guess because the modal is outside the repeating list, but now we have to put the modal where we want the trigger button to be and we lose the flexibility of having it anywhere we want.

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You can use the “On change workflow” and then use the event, right?

Indeed! That solved it