Can't find variables easily/quickly - lack details

When using the great “Find variable” feature, we get a list of all references of that variable.

The issue I have is that, when inputs/elements are properly named, it’s great and enough.
But sometimes, it’s not great and it’s hard/impossible to tell where that variable’s location within the app.

In the below example, I really lack details as to where that variable might be:

  • What page? (sure, clicking on the blue icon will lead me there, but I wish I could know in advance if I need to)
  • What path? That’s clearly the most useful information here, because the element itself “No name” won’t lead me anywhere when looking for it…

So, I wish we could have another action there, that would display the full detail of the location.
That would really save so much time when running into those lost elements.



The highlighted element should also be made more prominent in the element tree when we click Select


I’ve had to improve my habits to start naming all elements so I don’t run into this “no name.” Then at least when it brings me to the page I can search the layers list for said element.

Related, and though I haven’t bothered taking the time to investigate, there are instances where variables exist but don’t show up in this “find variables” UI. I’ve accidentally deleted a variable thinking it was outdated and no longer in use.

:sweat: That’s terrible, I know I’m relying on it a lot to identify what I can safely delete.

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