Can I export my project or some pages to another workspace?

Hi, context is my colleague started a project under his workspace.
I started working on the same project, but under my own workspace.
Now, I’d like to move my work (some pages) to his workspace so the two of us work in the same workspace, and I don’t have to create the pages I already created from scratch.
Can I do that? Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @Gui :wave:

There’s no easy solution for this unfortunately. For collaboration, I would recommend working from a single workspace.

If you had both workspaces open on the same computer, you could copy/paste sections from pages of one project in a workspace to another project in another workspace.

If you want to send me a private message with:

  • the link to your workspace,
  • the link to the project you want to copy in your colleague’s workspace, and
  • the link to your colleague’s workspace,

I can duplicate your project and transfer it to your colleague’s workspace. It’s time-consuming though so won’t be able to do it multiple times and can’t do it page by page.

Would that still be helpful?