Calendar element: Fetch firstCellDate and lastCellDate of current view on tab/page load

Hi there,

I am able to fetch the irstCellDate and lastCellDate on view change, but I need to have these values upon page load or tab change. How can I fetch these values from the default view of this calendar element.

I tried OnMounted and OnCreated and that did not do anything.

Thanks voor help.


What do you mean exactly? Have you tried using page workflows?

Page workflows don’t work unfortunately.

I have a page with the calendar component. I fetch event that are in the scope of the current view (month, week, day)

On view change workflow trigger I can assign the output of the event to an object variable. In that variable I then have keys like: current view, start date, end date, first cell date and last cell date. Based on these date values I can fetch the correct scope of events.

But on page load, there is no trigger for the calendar component to assign the event output of that component to my object variable.

I tried to add workflows on the calendar component with the onmounted and increased trigger, to be able to assign the event output to my object variable, but that does not work.

I added a log action after both triggers, but the triggers seems not to be involved

Support solved it, by adding the variable currentView. Works like a charm.