Calendar booking system

Hey there!

I am adding a new feature to my app, and all this time I thought I would be able to use the Calendly plugin for it. However, now that I am getting to it, it’s not useful for my purpose.

A user creates a workspace say “Warehouse 1”. In it, there are various equipments that their employees can book “Forklift 1”, “Jackhammer 8” etc… When you click on a piece of equipment in the app, you should be able to see the calendar of availability/unavailability of that equipment, but also make your own reservation for it. E.g. click and drag and book it for hours, or days - like in Microsoft Teams.

Calendly does not allow this, as you are creating a custom url for an individual person. My app could very well have hundreds, or thousands of bookable equipments.

Instead of creating all of it from scratch, I was hoping to see if someone had used a third party software/integration that made their life easier? Otherwise, I would have to tweak the limited calendar element, make my booking database, code for triggers and automatic email reminders, potentially use realtime databases to handle potential conflicts, optimise it, and so on… which could be tedious.

Many thanks in advance!

Hey! How did you solve this?

Hi @Ma_Nemec , I didn’t! I paused on developing this feature of mine and worked on other things instead. That being said, WeWeb has since implemented easier ways to use NPM packages - so perhaps there might be something out there for it? Have a look :slight_smile:

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