Button animation border

Hey! You know the button animation where the gradient glowing border is running around the button? How do I do this in Weweb?

Hello @raelyn
There is a option to add css code in weweb editor

@raelyn do you have an example you can link to?

Something like that: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BjeoJu6agQk

Any clue? Haha

Interesting question. Pretty new to WeWeb so I’m not sure of the best way, but I was able to replicate the border animation of the input by using the custom code option. (inside editor, More → Custom code)

I placed the CSS from this inside of tags. I created a new page to test it, and then created just a div with an input inside. I gave the container div a custom class of “fancy”. It worked fine. It doesn’t show in the editor, but only in the published version. I’m assuming this would work with a button as well but I didn’t test it.

Hey @lyricalsprite,

I did as you adviced but when I try it the things in the div disappear /:

Any tips on how to solve this? haha

What about the HTML in the code snippet, do i need to add that in?