WeWeb Copilot and AI: Rate limit exceeded. Try again tomorrow!

The problem is that it’s been 3 days since I’ve been able to ask anything and I already receive this answer, could you help me with this, as I feel harmed and it ends up delaying my development work. Please

(post deleted by author)

@Joyce a solution? 4 days

Ah ok. Sorry, I didn’t understand it was an issue you had for several days. Thought you were just reporting the error message upon seeing it.

I do need some clarification on your issue though:

  1. Are you experiencing this issue when using WeWeb Copilot? If yes, then I’d recommend you open a support ticket if you haven’t already. (If you want to share the link of the support ticket with me in a private message, I can ask them team if they are able to prioritize it but can’t guarantee they will be able to)

  2. Are you seeing the error message when using the OpenAI plugin? If yes, then the rate limit is related to your OpenAI account, not WeWeb.

Hi @Brendon :wave:

My apologies, I made a mistake: the number of requests you can make to WeWeb Copilot is limited through a 30 rolling day period (it doesn’t reset every day).

You are getting this message because you exceeded the number of requests you can make in the last 30 days. There’s nothing we can do on our side.

As discussed above in the thread, we are considering giving users the ability to add their own OpenAI key to user WeWeb Copilot without limits but for now, in order to keep this feature available for everyone at no extra cost, we have to set those limits.

In the meantime, if there’s anything specific you’re stuck on or need help with, don’t hesitate to create dedicated threads on this community. We’ll do our best to help!

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Is it possible to find somewhere when the count resets? Or is it based on a natural calendar?

Thank you!