Embedded HTML "On Click" workflow not working

Interesting - want to thank you in advance for this speedy help, means a lot! Hopefully this will help others.

This is the code I am using to make the embedded HTML dynamic (as shown in Dynamic html embed - #4 by Dorian). It is linking to a “dummy” game URL (e.g., Tic-Tac-Toe Example).

Can you elaborate on what you mean by a fresh HTML element? I believe this is accomplishing putting the iframe inside as you suggested, but not certain that is what you were thinking. I imagine I would just need to now add the following code (wwLib.executeWorkflow()) into this snippet but please let me know if otherwise!

Lastly, I have not found a way where WeWeb can grab a popup (e.g., when game is successfully completed) from a embedded URL - do you know of any way to do this? I will be attending OH next week to discuss further, my apologies for asking so much!