[Components] Dropzone/component doesn't get the context?

Yeah, actually the fact that you can’t edit the passed properties is a thing of it’s own, now you basically have to make the users work with emits and handle the change logic outside of the component.

I’m mostly stuck on the bindable (context) list part for now tho.

@aurelie did you guys remove global variables? or it wasn’t there? I remember that somehow I was able to create a global variable with the new UI.

Hmm I thought there was something else, like a variable within the component that could become global, like when you place an input field an you get an [Input Field - value], I could swear I saw it yesterday, but I was tired and it was 2 am.

As for this, any updates?

Its in QA

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:oo lovely 🫶🏻

Its in production, with the new Size property type as well :wink:

wowowo, what a way to start a new dayyyy.
I wanted to work, but now I’ll just end up playing with WeWeb all day again. lmao.

Hmm sorry, Size will be in the next batch, i get confused with tickets notifications.
I can work on the gap as well.

Hey @aurelie it’s me again.

  1. I’d like to suggest adding a repeater option together with the groups.
  2. Adding translations to the fields, where you have state, class etc.

Now the only way to translate in this case options, or even adding them requires a very unfriendly object :smiley:

I’d also suggest renaming the “Hide property” to “Show property” and make the logic the other way, that’s more natural, e.g. it corresponds with the conditional display.